1. a+ work 優等的成果
2. awesome 令人敬佩
3. amazing (好到)令人驚訝
4. amazing effort (你的)努力令人驚訝
5. beautiful 漂亮的
6. breathtaking 驚人的
7. bravo 好極了
8. cool 酷喔!
9. dynamite 頂呱呱
10. excellent 太傑出了;優等
11. fantastic work 了不起的成果
12. good 好的
13. good work 做的好!
14. great 好棒
15. great answer 好棒的答案;很棒的回答
16. great discovery 好棒的發現
17. keep up the good work 做的很好,繼續保持喔!
18. marvelous 非凡的
19. it's better 這樣好多了!
20. outstanding performance 表現傑出
21. perfect 真完美!
22. remarkable 卓越的
23. superb 一流的
24. terrific 了不起的
25. thumbs up 讚(豎起大姆指)
26. try again 再試一次
27. unbelievable work 令人難以置信的成果
28. very brave 非常勇敢
29. very good 非常好
30. very impressive 令人印象非常深刻的
31. wonderful 極好的
32. well done 很好
33. wow 哇
34. you're #1 你是最厲害的!
35. you're awesome 你真令人敬佩!
36. you're amazing 你好到令人驚訝!
37. you're a big help 你真是一位好助手!
38. you're a good learner 你的學習態度真好!(你是一位好的學習者)
39. you're a good student 你真是一個好學生!
40. you're a shining star 你是一顆閃亮的星星!
41. you're a winner 你是贏家!
42. you're beautiful 你真漂亮!
43. you're a champ 你是冠軍、優勝者!
44. you're excellent 你真傑出!
45. you're getting better 你愈來愈好了!
46. you're growing up 你在成長了!
47. you're handsome 你真帥!
48. you're fun 你真有趣!
49. you're important 你是重要的!
50. you're neat 你看來很整潔喔!
51. you're on target 你勝卷在握!
52. you're perfect 你真完美!
53. you've really grown up 你真的長大了!
54. you're sharp 你真時髦!
55. you're smart 你真聰明!
56. you're so kind 你人真好!
57. you're special 你真特別!
58. you're super 你超級好的!
59. you're tops 你是頂尖的!
60. you're the greatest 你是最棒的!
61. you're unique 你是獨一無二的!
62. you're very talented 你很有耐心喔!
63. you're wonderful 你很棒喔!
64. you've earned my respect 你讓我感到敬佩!
65. you've got it!? 你達到了!
66. you've made progress 你進步了!
67. you made it happen 你實現它了!
68. you made the difference 你表現出眾!
69. you tried hard 你非常努力!
70. you should be proud of yourself 你應該要為自己感到驕傲!
71. you've outdone yourself 你超越你自己了!
72. you deserve a hug 你值得一個擁抱!
73. I agree with you 我同意你(的說法、做法、想法等…
74. I am proud of you 我以你為榮
75. I like you 我喜歡你
76. I love you 我愛你
77. I promise you 我答應你
78. I respect you 我尊重你
79. I trust you 我相信你
80. what a genius 真是一位天才!(你有天賦!)
81. what a great idea 多麼棒的主意!
82. what a great listener 多麼棒的傾聽者!
83. thanks for being honest 感謝如此誠意
84. thanks for caring 感謝關心
85. thanks for helping 感謝幫忙
86. thanks for trying 感謝協助
87. That's Incredible 那真令人難以置信!
88. it's everything i hoped for 這正是我所希望的結果!
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