如果问题是第一次出现,那么你大可不必小题大做,你可以先make a mild complaint(温和地提醒下对方)。我们来看一个例子:
Dear Sir:
I'm writingin connection with my booking with you for an adventure holiday to
On the 19thof May, I sent you a check for $390 as a deposit. Unfortunately, I have not yetreceived a receipt for this. I would be grateful if you could send me this assoon as possible.
I lookforward to hearing from you.
这封邮件结构清晰,写邮件的人语气也比较温和,并没有什么过激的言辞。complaint的核心句是Unfortunately, I have not yet received a receipt for this. I wouldbe grateful if you could send me this as soon as possible. 邮件写作者在描述问题时只是说明了事实本身(没有收到发票),紧接着作者还提出了针对这个问题自己希望得到的解决方案(希望能尽快送到),除此之外,并没有带上任何负面情绪。这让收到邮件的人感觉很舒服,也知道自己是在跟一个reasonable的人交流,这样邮件使整个交流充满了正能量,有利于问题的解决。
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